
Mediation Services - Moss Legal Group, El Paso, TX

Home Practice Areas Mediation Services - Moss Legal Group, El Paso, TX

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Mediation Services

Mediation Services

Mitchell Moss is a seasoned, practicing trial lawyer with over 25 years of experience handling cases in Texas and New Mexico. He began his legal career as a Briefing Attorney for the 8th Judicial District Court of Appeals and gained invaluable experience about litigated matters and the often fatal errors that occur at trial. Following that year with the Appellate Court, Mitchell began trying cases with small litigation boutiques representing plaintiffs and defendants in a broad spectrum of matters including wrongful death, personal injury, labor and employment, professional mal-practice and a variety of commercial disputes. Mitchell has even successfully defended criminal trials.

As one of the few regional mediators with an active litigation practice, Mitchell brings to the mediation table current experience and appreciation for the challenges trial lawyers face on both sides of the docket trying to position cases for the best legal resolution. Let Mitchell use his unique experience and individualized approach to mediations to find common ground and resolve your case.

Mitchell Moss has experience in the following areas:

  • Personal injury
  • Wrongful death
  • Professional malpractice
  • Labor and employment
  • Railroad and trucking
  • Products liability
  • Premises liability
  • Insurance
  • Property losses
  • Bad faith
  • Commercial disputes
  • Civil rights
  • Business disputes/dissolutions
  • Libel and slander
  • Education law

Additional services include

  • Early neutral case evaluations
  • Investigations/fact finding
  • Discovery referee

Fee schedule (Notice of Fee Changes effective Jun 1, 2024)

  • Basic mediation fees are $650.00 per party (1/2 day); $1,600.00 per party full day.
  • Medical Malpractice and complex Commercial matters will be priced individually upon review of the scope of the dispute.
  • Full day Mediations include Lunch.

Out of town mediation services available.


Contact Miriam at 915.703.7307 or Miriam@MossLegalSolutions.com. You can also check availability on our Online Calendar and reserve your spot. We will then call you to confirm your appointment.

  • We have a large conference room that can accommodate 16, We have on site space to accommodate up to 6 parties.
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